应读者要求,为Matlab误差棒函数增强版加入了颜色和点型控制功能,顺便加了个英文说明,上传到Mathworks 社区,点此访问,这才发现已经有了那么多类似的函数,果然工作还是要趁早啊,看论文去了……
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% ERRORBARE Enhanced Errorbar Function. % ERRORBARE(STY,X,Y,Xbar,Ybar,symbol) % It can draw errorbar along X/Y/Dual axis % in normal,semilog,loglog coordinate system, % and adjust width of bar handles automatically, % can also control dotstyle/color in the same way with errorbar. % % If the lower and upper error range of x/y is different, % they should be input as [lower,upper] if x/y is a column vector; % for a row vector, they should be [lower;uper]. % % parameter STY include 12 types: % v,h,d,vlogx,hlogx,dlogx,vlogy,hlogy, % dlogy,vlogd,hlogd,dlogd % where % v stands for vertical errorbar, % h draws horizontal errorbar, % d means dual direction, % logx corresponding to semilogx,can use preffix v/h/d % logy corresponding to semilogy,can use preffix v/h/d % logd corresponding to loglog,can use preffix v/h/d <!--more--> % 误差棒函数增强版 % ERRORBARE(STY,X,Y,Xbar,Ybar,symbol) % 可在各个坐标系中沿X轴,Y轴方向,或者两轴方向绘制误差棒, % 能够根据所选坐标类型调整端点线长。 % 增加对误差棒的线型控制,用法与原errorbar函数中相同 % % 若上下限范围不同,X为列向量时应按照 % [下限,上限] 的格式输入,若为行向量则为 [下限;上限] % % STY 参数包括 v,h,d,vlogx,hlogx,dlogx,vlogy,hlogy, % dlogy,vlogd,hlogd,dlogd 共12种 % v 表示误差棒垂直, % h 表示误差棒水平, % d (dual) 显示双轴误差, % logx 对应 semilogx,前缀 v,h,d 意义同上 % logy 对应 semilogy,前缀 v,h,d 意义同上 % logd 对应 loglog,前缀 v,h,d 意义同上 % For example, % x = 1:10; % y = sin(x)+2; % e = std(y)*ones(size(x)); % errorbare(x,y,e) % use function "errorbar" directly % errorbare(x,y,e,'or') % errorbare('v',x,y,e) % "e" is error of "y" % errorbare('v',x,y,[e;2*e]) % try different error limits % errorbare('hlogx',x,y,e) % "e" is error of "x" here, % errorbare('d',x,y,e,e) % errorbare('d',x,y,e,e,'or') % errorbare('dlogd',x,y,e,e) % % by Heng Yu Email: henrysting@hotmail.com % $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2009/03/28 $ |